Thursday, May 12, 2011

OH the Life of a SAHM!

I have a hard enough time keeping up with my own children much less, my purse, my keys, my phone and my mind.

I switched vehicles with my dad yesterday and was making the trasfer of carseats and toys and children and somehow forgot to grab my phone.

So being that the computer is my only means of communication today my husband called my sis inlaw to facebook me to tell me that I needed to get down to his work as soon as I could.

So thinking that this was an emergency I hurried and got the kids dressed and headed to town.

I get to his desk and he put a pair of rubber gloves on and hands me a small box and say follow me.

So I follow him to a great big brand new combine tractor, he climbs up a small step stool and pulls out a birds nest with a littl baby bird inside. Not the kind with no feathers or ugly pink skin. This one is almost ready to fly.

So I ask Kevin what I am suppose to do with it and what I was suppose to feed it. He tells me to chew up some bugs and spit it into her mouth. (NOT going to happen)!!

So I bring her home and put it in with the nest we found in the toung of the horse trailer and come back inside to get some cracked corn and oatmeal to see if she would eat that, and when I get back to her she had flopped her way out of the nest and gave herself to sissy as a snack.

So as a side note to Kevin, I already have too many eggs in my basket to put anything else in.

So lesson to be learned, Don't fall out of your nest when there is a hungry dog around!

1 comment:

  1. OH gosh!!! Poor little bird... But that's funny he called for that... Thought it might be something um... MORE important. :)
