Thursday, October 7, 2010

A pokey bush with treats!

So as I was pulling thorns out of Chancey's hand last night, I asked him what had happened, and trhough tears and some screaming, he tells me that he was just walking around and he saw a poky bush (or a cactus) and it had some "treats" on it. He thought that I would really like these treats and he just wanted to get me one. Confused, I made hime go outside and show me what treats he was going to get me. He tried to get me a prickly pear. So now he knows that all pokey bushes are dangerous even if they have yummy treats on them. Now everytime we see a "pokey" bush Corryn says Ouch, no no Chancey.

1 comment:

  1. he's so thoughtful. glad his whole body didn't fall into the poky bush.
